First Line Poets Project
Founded in 2020, the First Line Poets Project was created by poet and author Emma-Jane Barlow. She could sense the passion, joy and connection between poets in the Instagram writing community so she reached out to other poets on the platform and started the first group. Word quickly spread across the writing community and she soon had 4 groups, named after some of her favourite poets – Wordsworth Group, Whitman Group, Angelou Group and Rumi Group.
With over 125 writers from across the globe together in one place, she started to pair writers up every week to swap first lines to inspire a piece of poetry. The project was an instant hit and writers were sending messages and requesting to join this fun and innovative project.
The FLP project has been running now for over two years and it has produced thousands of poems and writers from across the world have gained the confidence to release their own publications. First Line Poets is a family that all have one thing in common, a love for poetry.
To be part of the project, contact @emmajanepoetry on Instagram.

The rawness of poetry resonates with the human soul more than anything else in this world. This collection of poetry explores a multitude of themes including life, death, love, time, fear and hope.
Created by Emma-Jane Barlow in 2020, the First Line Poets Project is an online collaborative initiative that pairs up writers from across the globe to write poetry using first lines as inspiration. This 376-page anthology is a compilation of work from past and present members of the project. The poets in this book are like individual fingerprints; no two are the same. Some speak in different mother tongues, some have only just found writing and others have been writing from the moment they could hold a pen.
The talented poets who were selected to be published in this anthology share their bravery, passion and vulnerability in these poems, written just for you.
Edited by Emma-Jane Barlow and cover designed by Olivia Barlow.
The First Line Poets Anthology can be purchased now on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Pothi.