Everyone in life is a victim of change. Some changes are good and some are bad but we all face them one way or another. I was once afraid of change, I have to admit. I liked the way my life was and I didn’t want change in my life, I was worried that it might jeopardise my happiness. I’m the typical negative thinker when it comes to any drastic changes and I know that there is other people out there that do the same. Whenever we have to make any decision we think about the positive and negative outcomes naturally but some people favour one outcome. I am ashamed to say that I favour the negative and I hate this about myself.
Whether it be starting a university, a new course with new people, scared and living alone for the first time or losing a friend that you thought would be there for you always. Whatever the change is in your life, it’s the way you deal with it reflects you as a person. If there is one thing I could change about the way my mind works it would simply be this, stop thinking negative thoughts. The first thought that came into my head when I moved away from home was – how am I going to cope? Not very positive considering it’s the biggest change that has took place in my life, so far. I have tried to change the way I look at things in life but I just can’t seem to silence the negative voice in my head. It niggles away at my self confidence, stops me from believing in myself and most importantly it doesn’t open my eyes to the opportunities that could arise in my life.
If I have any advice for anyone who is reading this or is feeling the same way I feel about change then simply think positive! It sounds difficult and trust me, it is. I wish that I could think positively rather than negatively, I would be a much better person and I strongly believe that. There are no bad choices in life, if you go down the wrong path or make a decision you shouldn’t have made, you will learn from it and use that lesson in the future. I don’t regret any of my decisions in my life so far because they have made me who I am today. I’m on a thoughtful day today. I was reliving in my head all that I have achieved in the last, lets call it a year of my life.
I’m no longer afraid of change, but the negative thoughts still swim around my mind when I think about the future. I know I have a full life ahead of me, new people to meet, new places to discover and a whole world to learn from. I have a clear picture in my mind of my future and what frightens me the most is what if the visions I imagine don’t happen? I hope that one day I can let go of the demons that pull me down, the negative way I approach decisions and changes and most of all I hope that one day, when I’m faced with a bigger change than I have faced already, I deal with it in a positive light.
In the words of James Allen.
“Change your thoughts, change your life.”
Trying to change has been the most frustrating and rewarding task I have ever had – great post.
I know it is very frustrating! Thank you for reading it 🙂