Blog Update: Scheduled Posts & Busy Days

Hello to my followers, this is just a quick update about my blog and a few changes that will be happening over the next couple of weeks. I currently have busy times ahead. I am starting an internship at VIVA magazine tomorrow, I am still writing articles for The W...

2014: A Reflection Of 365 Days

2015  is fast approaching and when the clock strikes at midnight tomorrow and the celebrations begin, I will do just that with a smile on my face because I really have had an amazing  year. 365 days ago I was a different person, I was in a different situation and I...

My NaNoWriMo Journey

I WON NaNoWriMo! In September, I decided that 2014 would be the perfect year to take part in a writing challenge. I had plenty of free time and I was starting to wonder when my first novel would actually get written. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month,...