Nothing Lasts Forever

The thing about life that I am learning is that nothing lasts forever. I’m starting to realise that despite my best efforts, I can’t control everything that happens to me and I can’t predict what will happen in the future. This might be easy for most...

Reaching A Mental Health Milestone

During the past few years, I have struggled with my mental health. I have General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which means I constantly worry about everything and experience high amounts of anxiety for no reason at all. It took me a long time to accept that my anxiety was...

Liebster Award – I’ve Been Nominated!!

The first time I was nominated for the Liebster Award was June last year by Dare To Dream, Live To Write. She said some really nice things about my blog and since then my blog has taken on a different identity, attracted more readers and inspired many people so thank...

Street Corners

Caution lurks behind every street corner. In the early morn. Dusty blue and sapphire ignite, forming patterns in the sky. Panting heart quickens. Racing even, mimicking dangers that – Do. Not. Exist. Heightened fear in the darkness. Over the bridge, water...

Delicate Flower

Delicate, white flower. Untouched by fear. Lost in paradise. The sky is clear. Floating on the surface of blue. Delicate flower absorbs the view. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...