Twenty Two

Tomorrow is my 22nd birthday. I was re-reading my post Twenty that I wrote two years ago today. I remember writing it like it was yesterday. I am still the same person that I was when I wrote that blog post, I still have the same dreams and I still believe that...

My NaNoWriMo Journey

I WON NaNoWriMo! In September, I decided that 2014 would be the perfect year to take part in a writing challenge. I had plenty of free time and I was starting to wonder when my first novel would actually get written. NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month,...

Writing A Novel

Well I have officially started planning my novel, yeah ‘planning’, not really got pen to paper or words to a page just yet… I keep changing my mind on things about my story and the characters. I really want to start writing it but I know that there...