Liebster Award – I’ve Been Nominated!!

The first time I was nominated for the Liebster Award was June last year by Dare To Dream, Live To Write. She said some really nice things about my blog and since then my blog has taken on a different identity, attracted more readers and inspired many people so thank...


The lagoon of water shimmers in the moonlight. The trees whisper as they lean into the well-lit pathway, that I walk on this Summer’s eve. On the other side, people sit and talk under the stars. Refreshments and entertainment. The best spot to enjoy the air, the...

Writing, Kindles & Summer Boredom

Happy Sunday 馃檪聽I gathered it was time for another post and because it’s a Sunday and I’m really bored here it goes.. First of all I want to mention that I am now a kindle user – never thought that would happen! At first I was against the idea and...