As you get older you gain wisdom that will stay with you for the rest of your life, you learn lessons that will only come from the mistakes and bad choices that you make. Wisdom is just another puzzle piece to the journey. What you learn about people and what you learn from others will shape the person that you become. I am reflecting on the lessons that I have learnt recently and even though I can still sometimes feel confused and deluded by this crazy world that we live in I feel a step closer to knowing who I am. I am turning twenty years old tomorrow and that doesn’t scare me, it excites me. I am one step closer to finishing education, I am one step closer to finding the perfect job and starting my career and I am one step closer to my future. Age is just a number but it can also represent different stages of a persons life.
The last decade of my life I started as a young ten year old girl with dreams of being on stage but things changed. I grew up. I struggled through my teenage years, the most challenging years of a person’s life. I realised through my teenage years that you lose friends and you gain friends. I learnt how to control my emotions and that there were more important things in life than worrying about things that don’t matter. As I got older I gained more responsibilities and I took charge of my own life and my own decisions. Turning eighteen was a milestone that was always going to effect my future. Choosing to take a chance on a Creative Writing Degree was the best decision I ever made. I lived on my own, I gained and lost more friends and made the decision to move back home because living with people I didn’t get along with was jeopardising my happiness. I am now turning twenty and starting a new decade of my life. I can see the future in front of me and I am excited for what awaits. I am my own person, with my own goals and my own dreams and I am not going to let my life pass me by. I am going to make something of my life.
I have found my soul mate and best friend, I have great friends and I know what career path I am going down. I want to travel the world with my boyfriend Declan, I want to get married and buy a puppy. I want to laugh and enjoy every moment of happiness I get. I want to have children of my own and teach them all of the things I have learnt in life, I want to watch them grow into amazing people and I want to enjoy every milestone they reach. Twenty might just be a number to most people and it doesn’t define anything but the number of years you have been alive but for me I always use age to define the steps in my life. Twenty defines the start of official adulthood. Twenty defines the start of great things. Twenty defines the next stepping stone towards my future.