by Emma-Jane Barlow | Aug 21, 2018 | Blog
Today I wrote a short story, for fun! This may sound like a simple task for a writer, as writer’s write, right? Well, I did write A LOT once upon a time. I had notebooks full of ideas, I had motivation to put pen to paper and I really enjoyed the craft of...
by Emma-Jane Barlow | Feb 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
I was reading Writing Magazine a few days ago and came across an article about writer’s block. It’s something I have always struggled with. I go through phases of no writing at all and I always blame it on writer’s block, I either have too many ideas...
by Emma-Jane Barlow | Aug 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’ve always had a turbulent relationship with my writing muse. I’ve been struggling with writer’s block for two years. After graduating with my degree in Creative Writing, I decided to give my writing brain a rest. I had spent the past three years...
by Emma-Jane Barlow | Jun 26, 2015 | Blog
So, I have decided to do Camp NaNoWriMo. After the success of winning NaNoWriMo in November last year, completing 50,000 words in thirty days for my first full length novel 1:58, I decided that it was time to do it again. Camp NaNoWriMo is the same as NaNoWriMo but...
by Emma-Jane Barlow | Oct 18, 2014 | Uncategorized
I’ve decided that this year is the year that I will not only attempt but win NANOWRIMO. Now if you don’t know what NANOWRIMO stands for, I will tell you. It stands for – National Novel Writing Month. That’s right, I’m going to attempt...